Ammi’s Adventures: Earth, Air, Fire, Water

Listen to the Story:

Hi! I’m Ammi. My name means “the whole world is inside of me,” and I think it’s true: I carry the whole world in my mind and heart and body. I know you do, too! I like to play games, explore, and discover what makes me, me. I’m so glad we’re together on this journey!  A long time ago, people discovered that the whole universe was made up of four necessary things. They called them elements. They are air, water, fire, and earth. Air like breath and wind. Water like rain, oceans, or snow.  Fire like candles, forest fires, or lava from a volcano. Earth like dirt, rocks, or even glass. All of these elements have a special relationship with each other. Water can put out a fire and air can spark a flame. The earth needs water so things can grow. These elements work in harmony together to create all that we see.  Because we are a part of nature too, we are made of the same elements. Our bodies need all the elements for life. Air brings us breath, water is what keeps us growing, fire is what keeps us going, and earth grounds and nourishes us. Air is like our thoughts, water is like our feelings, fire is like our strength, and earth is like our actions. Just like in nature, all these elements have a special connection with one another and create balance inside and outside of us.  Do you want to explore the elements with me? Let’s go on an adventure and imagine together! 

An Earth, Air, Fire, Water Meditation for Kids

Love from your friend, Ammi. 

Try This:

Have you ever gotten really angry? We all get angry, it’s a natural part of being human. When we get angry, our face can get red, we can feel hot. That is our fire burning big. Sometimes our fire is burning so big it feels out of control. We need our fire, and we can learn to stoke our fire so we can take good care of ourselves.  Do you know what happens if you put water onto fire? It can put it out quickly. What about adding air to a fire? Air makes the fire grow. It’s helpful to know what things make our fires bigger, like air, and what can turn them down, like water. Spend some time wondering about your fire. What are the things that excite you, that light you up? Next, think about what things frustrate you, make you want to shout out loud? Now, what things bring you calm? What soothes or relaxes you? Please share those with someone you love, or write them down if you are able. Getting to know ourselves is a practice. Just like we did in the meditation, we can speak to our fire and turn it up and down, but sometimes that’s hard in the middle of the heat. So practice connecting to your fire whenever you’re feeling like your light is low, spark your own flame! 

ammi’s adventures

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