The AnTiCiPaTiOn part?  Every morning you’re gonna give him a hint about what the evening has in store. {Of course we’ve got some ideas for ya, girl!}  Throughout the day, tease him with other lil’ reminders – a extra hidden note, a subtle smile, or a quick wink that reminds him that you are looking forward to your one-on-one time together.  {Whether they admit it or not… Guys. Love. Feeling. DESIRED. Too.}  Your love life can and will be what you make it… and lemme tell ya, with this extra attention, he is gonna be thinkin’ of you NONstop. The possibilities really are endless… {your imagination is your best ally!} Here are seven rockin’ ideas:

Evening  #1 ~ Dress Up!

  Morning tease:  Slip him that HOT lingerie he LOVES! {Or is this an excuse to buy something new?!} The note says: “For later… {wink!}” The plan: Doll yo’self up extra beautiful that night!  Go glamorous and make it a little extra memorable.

Evening #2 ~ Strip Poker!

Morning tease:  Put the Two of Hearts card in his shoes. The note says: “Let’s play for clothes tonight…” The plan:  Totally let him win a few rounds!  Be flirty and play it up!

Evening #3 ~ U + Me = 2nite!

Morning tease:  Text your honey the first moment you’re apart in the morning with a FULL synopsis of the coming evening! The plan:  Make it a day of lovey texts back and forth.  Make him feel loved, appreciated, and sexy! The bonus:  After you’re all primped up, send one last text as his invitation to join you!

Evening #4 ~ You Color My World!

Morning tease: Draw and give him a colorful picture of you two holding hands/kissing/being happy together {nothing wrong with darling stick figures!} The note says: “Let’s make tonight colorful…” The plan:  These colorful ideas fit perfectly… or use any activity with color!

Evening #5 ~ Down with Adventure!

Morning tease: Leave an opened map in one of your husband’s first places to see. The note says:  “Tonight is all about…exploring each other!” The bonus:  Optional blindfolds!

Evening #6 ~ Sweet Dreams! Morning tease: Present your man with a favorite little sweet treat. The note says: “Somethin’ sweet for MY Sweetie… and there’s more to come tonight!” The plan:  Bring some favorite foods into the bedroom… whip cream… chocolate… or somethin’ more like this!

Evening #7 ~ Music of the Night!

Morning tease: Make him a CD of your favorite songs or roll up the lyrics of a love song into a cute scroll. The note says: “Bring your rhythm tonight…” The plan:  Turn on your favorite music that evening and enjoy the rhythm! You ROCKIN’ wifey, you! Get your groove on, and make this pre-Valentine’s week an unforgettable one!  ENJOY!

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