This Valentine’s, treat your family to dinner at… 

“Cupid’s Crazy Cafe!”  

That’s right! Turn your home into a special Valentine’s Cafe and serve up a delicious meal with our crazy menu! It’s seriously SO much fun, your kids will remember it forever, and with our free printable dinner menu, it’s super easy to do! If you love this idea as much as we do, you might want to PIN it to make sure you’ve got easy access to it for years to come! Now, this is no ordinary menu! In fact, your kiddos won’t even know what they’re ordering. Instead of actual food names, you’ll be using Valentine code words. Trust me, it makes it so much more fun! Things are sure to get crazy when your daughter unknowingly orders dessert and a salad for an appetizer, and your son orders a fork and a drink.

Here’s how it works:

To begin, decide what you would like to serve for the meal. Then, assign each item to a code word on your “cheat sheet.”  (You’ll need 8 items total.)

Once you have your menu planned, go ahead and turn that dining room into a restaurant. Pull out a nice tablecloth, light some candles, and set a menu on each plate.

And just to make it even more fun, how about some cute, Valentine crowns for everyone to wear?

Isn’t that crown just darling?! Sameeha, the talent behind The Inked Leaf designed a girl AND boy version just for us, and we think they make the PERFECT addition to your Valentine’s Day dinner. I mean, what kid wouldn’t LOVE having a special Valentine crown to wear? Then when it’s time for dinner, welcome them to “Cupid’s Crazy Cafe” and instruct them to “order” by filling out their menu.

Make sure they use each of the 8 different items, one time each.  So they’ll be choosing two items for an appetizer, four items for the main course, and two items for dessert.

Then just use your “cheat sheet” to serve each person, one course at a time…

And wait for smiles and laughter to ensue when your husband orders all utensils for a course, and your son gets to eat dessert before dinner.

Because at Cupid’s Crazy Cafe… anything goes! SaveSave

Cupid s Crazy Cafe  A Family V Day Dinner   The Dating Divas - 22Cupid s Crazy Cafe  A Family V Day Dinner   The Dating Divas - 52Cupid s Crazy Cafe  A Family V Day Dinner   The Dating Divas - 38Cupid s Crazy Cafe  A Family V Day Dinner   The Dating Divas - 47Cupid s Crazy Cafe  A Family V Day Dinner   The Dating Divas - 89Cupid s Crazy Cafe  A Family V Day Dinner   The Dating Divas - 56Cupid s Crazy Cafe  A Family V Day Dinner   The Dating Divas - 57Cupid s Crazy Cafe  A Family V Day Dinner   The Dating Divas - 39Cupid s Crazy Cafe  A Family V Day Dinner   The Dating Divas - 80