Amazing job everyone! We LOVE LOVE LOVE seeing all of those gorgeous dates and successful challenges all over Instagram.  It totally warms our hearts to know that we’re helping to make marriage a top priority in your life!  We have a little over a week left, but still so many fun things to do!  Today’s challenge only involves a few materials, including one that you may be using right this minute! MATERIALS NEEDED: Cellphone Video editing software (optional) Flat Hubby (optional) LOVE CHALLENGE – DAY 19 We’re definitely a generation of couples that is very tech savvy and today’s challenge involves just that!  All you need is a cell phone that has the capability of recording and sending a video.  You can even check out our Video Messaging post for more info.  Record THREE REASONS why you value your spouse.  That’s just a starting point. If you would like to do three other reasons that are AWESOME then go for it!  You could even hold up fun signs as you talk about each reason! If you have video editing software, upload it and work some magic!  There are a ton of apps out there to help you create the PERFECT video message.  You can even add a Flat Hubby to your video, which is sure to bring out a few laughs.  Once that’s complete, hit send.  It is a WONDERFUL way to surprise your spouse while they’re at work, busy running errands, or simply being his or her wonderful self. Tomorrow’s challenge is rather scrumptious. Are you “Hot N’ Ready”? P.S. Don’t forget to snap a PIC and post it to your Instagram Feed with the hashtag #Divas30DayLoveChallenge to enter to be one of our 30 Grand Prize Winners and follow us on Instagram {@datingdivas} to see what the NEXT challenge will be! P.P.S. If you have already done this idea OR you don’t think your sweetie would enjoy this… feel free to browse our “Quick & Easy” section and choose another FUN idea you can whip out today!

  •    *    *    *    *    *    *    * ALL #Divas30DayLoveChallenge POSTS If you stumble upon the #Divas30DayLoveChallenge AFTER it’s already started, no worries – you can still join in! Jump in at any time! Start with the first informative post below and start working your way through!  Click the link{s} below to see previous posts. Have fun!} HOW IT WORKS DAY 1 LOVE CHALLENGE DAY 2 LOVE CHALLENGE DAY 3 LOVE CHALLENGE DAY 4 LOVE CHALLENGE DAY 5 LOVE CHALLENGE DAY 6 LOVE CHALLENGE DAY 7 LOVE CHALLENGE DAY 8 LOVE CHALLENGE DAY 9 LOVE CHALLENGE DAY 10 LOVE CHALLENGE DAY 11 LOVE CHALLENGE DAY 12 LOVE CHALLENGE DAY 13 LOVE CHALLENGE DAY 14 LOVE CHALLENGE DAY 15 LOVE CHALLENGE DAY 16 LOVE CHALLENGE DAY 17 LOVE CHALLENGE DAY 18 LOVE CHALLENGE

 Divas30DayLoveChallenge   Day 19 - 22 Divas30DayLoveChallenge   Day 19 - 37